Saturday, April 19, 2014

Made it er.. sort of

 So yes I did self publish and a expecting my authors copy soon. I'm excited, dreadful, and relieved all at the same time. After months of reading Obsidian Night over and over again it just got exhausting. And I know the published book will not be perfect even after editing it a million times, I am just happy to get it out some where and to not have to worry about it. I know people are going to comment on the mistakes, but I dare them to write a flawless book their first try.
 I am young and dumb but I try. And you know what? Since the first book out of the trilogy my writing has gotten a lot better and I have come up with more ideas. What I absolutely hate is people judging young writers so hard! We don't want to wait until we are in our middle ages to publish our novels! We want to write! We want to tell our stories! And yes I know our grammar or spelling is not flawless, but that is part of life. We are meant to write, read, and learn.
 That is part of the reason a publisher wouldn't pick me up. My age. My inexperience. My genre. Honestly, now and days they don't even read your story and judge you on your book. They judge you before that, on the query. It's sad really. One day a person will self publish and become a huge success and all those publishers will hate themselves. Yes, I know its my "adolescence" speaking but still. The least they could do is not send a computer generated rejection letter and actually give you some advice. 
 We are young dreamers aiming higher than society allows. We are young rebels screaming in defiance at the set standards. We are young. Not dumb. Not less talented. Not less wise. Just lacking a meaningless number next to our names.

-Stay Young Dreamers

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