Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A Writer's /Introverts Problems

People found out yet AGAIN in another of my classes that I have written a book. The hard part about being a writer (or for me) is that you're proud of your book, but you don't like discussing it. It was the very end of class and it became a class discussion. I'm not ashamed of it, I'm just self-conscious. I don't want to sound like a self-absorbed or arrogant person by bringing it up. I am somewhat ashamed of how it was published because to me self-publishing seems like cheating. Also, one of the main questions people ask is "how much have you made". Sometimes I want to respond with "Oh yeah! Writing is a get rich quick career move! You should try it and tell me how it goes". I don't do this for the money. People who write would be CRAZY to think they can do it for the sole purpose of getting income. It takes a miracle to become a John Green or Veronica Roth.
Back to my point... I blush like people are singing 'Happy Birthday' to me when people bring up my book, because it's like... what are you supposed to do? Smile like an idiot and give short answers or go on a rant about how amazing it is and turn the opportunity into a marketing situation. My mom is always telling me to tell them to "go read it". Maybe that is the correct answer, but I'm so unused to the attention that it feels somewhat uncomfortable.
My advice is this- Love your work, be proud of what you've done that few can do. If you're a good speaker, then great! Rock that! If you love the attention, then great! Soak it in! But remember (This is the key guys), always remember to stay humble. Know that you are still human. Know that only a few months or years before no one cared what you did with your time. Just because you get "big", does not mean you have to act the part. Keep being you even when people make you feel special. Return the favor. No one is famous without their fans and no one is famous when they treat those fans with distaste.
That one bit of advice will take you farther than you could ever imagine.

Braggers end up Baggers ;)

-With Love, SKW

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