Saturday, April 15, 2017

Waiting on the End to Start a New Beginning

My first year of college is almost to a close and I'm more than ready for it. Don't get me wrong, I'm sad that my first year of college flew by so fast, however, I'm ready to write what I want to again. I plan on writing all summer and, hopefully finishing something before returning for sophomore year. I miss it, you know? In college, you hardly have time to read what you want much less write what you want. And, to be honest, I'm excited for my next adventure. I want to try something new and see how it goes. Many of you would judge me because I haven't even gotten a success novel out but I want to be able to write anything I want to write and to do that I need to practice writing other things besides novels. I'll eventually return to it, of course, but I want to see if I can't finish something over the summer.

As a writer, it isn't how successful you are with getting things published but WRITING. And I want to try my hand at something else. Many people frown upon me for being a creative writing major because, let's be honest, people think if you want to write that you're going to live in a box under a bridge. I cannot even begin to recount the times people have made rude comments over my choice of major. However, it is MY major and not theirs but I will continue to explain. My explanation to myself and everyone else is I want the ability to write whatever I want to. I want to be able to write screenplays, dramas, novels, or business documents. I want the knowledge and the confidence to accomplish whatever I desire. Most people around me want to be nurses or in the medical field and ask why I'm not going into it to. There are two answers to that question: One- because it gives me anxiety to be responsible for someone and Two- because that's not where my heart is. Everything in life makes people anxious but writing is the one place I feel pretty confident in (except for this semester in English when this teacher destroyed my ego because of all the stuff I was never taught).

Anyways, the gist of this is that what other people say doesn't matter. Maybe on occasion an ear can be lent to the critics but, more often than not, it is better to ignore them and do what you feel drawn to do. Think big things. Do big things. It's okay to be nervous, but never be afraid.

With Love,

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