Saturday, September 24, 2016

People Are Crazy

I don't know how to begin this or where I'm going with this, but... people are crazy. They are. I am. You are. I was asked in my college history class, "What was the foundation of America?" Some people would say Trans-Atlantic slavery and, sure, it was a large part of our economy after the Declaration of Independence. It is a valid argument. But, I would argue more that we were founded on rebellion. Revolution.
When the first settlements were made, America didn't have trans-Atlantic slavery. But, from the very beginning, it had conflict. Conflict with the Natives. Conflict with each other. Conflict with the Mother Country. America was founded on the violent voicing of opinions and taking what we think we deserve. That land over there? We want it. The French didn't do this. The Spanish did it more cruelly. But for the most part colonists were a bit greedy. But a lot of the times it was because they were promised these things and it was never delivered. So one could see the why they would want to forcefully take it if the promise of land was broken.
Furthermore, the Revolution. We were taxed less than the people actually living in Britain and we complained. And we revolted and boycotted and carried on. You could then say the Boston Massacre. Well, it was good ol' Americans picking on the law enforcement who were guarding ammunition the colonists planned to steal that day.
This is America. Freedom of Speech. But also just... YOUNG. I get embarrassed sometimes of how we act because the word is WATCHING us. We are the youngest nation, but the most influential. The world looks to us for direction when we have no idea what we are doing half the time. Otto Van Bismark of Germany once said, "There is a providence that watches over children, idiots, drunkards, and the United States of America."
We are young and, Lord help us, we are crazy. The only way we know how to voice our discontent is with a scene Broadway would be jealous of. But we're Americans. We look back on our history with embarrassment and pride just as people do. We are living through hard times socially. It's been a few years since we've had a good ol' civil war with each other. Some of us are outraged. Some of us have chosen sides. But if you're like me, you hope we come out of this better than when we went in.
Times are hard.
People are crazy.
But we'll survive.
And come out stronger.

We are one nation under God.
With Love,

P.S. This was not meant offensively. If something seems "rude", it was probably sarcasm. If some part of this is historically inaccurate, I apologize, but for the most part I do believe it to be correct.

Friday, August 26, 2016

I'm a GREAT Writer

I read somewhere once that when asked what she does this girl hesitated then replied, "I'm a GREAT writer." The reason for her saying that, it said, was because maybe she didn't believe it now, but if she said it enough and worked hard enough that one day it would become true. And in a way, I believe that to be true. Everyone always tells you that words have power, so why not? It's also a wonderful way to boost your self-esteem because, admit it, most authors feel horrible about their work. And it's okay to feel that way! It's just that urge to make your work the best you can make it. That's never a bad thing, just remember nothing can ever be perfect. Know when enough is enough.
Anyways as I embark towards my Creative Writing degree, I understand that I still have a long ways to go to get there, but I also understand that this degree cannot make me into a writer. It can only broaden horizons that are already there. It's like how college still can't get me to enjoy or understand math. (I can learn math well, but only if I have a certain type of teacher). A girl here asked me what I am planning to do after college and I said, "Live in a box under a bridge." To be honest, I can be many things with this degree. I could be a play writer, screen writer, speech writer, or a novelist.
Who knows?
I can't tell the future.
All I know...
Is that I'm a GREAT writer.

Keep being GREAT.

-With Love,

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

I Crack Myself Up

Creating a cover idea is hard! It's not always easy to imagine how your baby will look in clothes it can't try on. In self-publishing it is your job as the author to micro-manage everything. When those adds say that YOU are in charge of ever part of the process, they mean it. They will not go anywhere without your say so. For some, that's awesome; more control! For me though, I like them to take some creative freedom just to see where it goes. On Obsidian Night they changed the font I had completely. At first I didn't like it because it looked very "gamer" like, but it grew on me.
The picture above is what I drew as an idea for the cover of Emerald Forest (Kind of looks like Baymax)
This one below was my draft cover of Obsidian Night. They thought the silhouette looked like an elephant and had to call me to ask what it was. It may not look so impressive... but that...
                                                           Turned into THIS!

Things don't always start out pretty, but that doesn't mean much. Change does exist and it has the potential to be amazing. If Emerald Forest make a transformation like Obsidian Night did, then I will have a good lookin' second book. Amber Falls cover is going to be difficult... but I'll paint another elephant and figure something out.
The lesson of this post is puberty is real.

With Love,

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Moving Forward

   As I begin to embark on my next adventure, one more real and terrifying, I feel nostalgic for the coming years. Life is difficult at times, but the thought of my happy place across the sea keeps my spirits up. I can't help, but hope that one day I'll be over there with my little mud room and a library, maybe even an office for writing. I've fallen in love with the U.K. Ireland, Scotland, and Britain. I could live in any of them and be happy. It's been my plan B for years.
   As for college, I am terrified. I'm pursing a degree in Creative Writing and possibly business or teaching. Either way, I don't want to end up living in a box under a bridge. I'll be attending a place 5 hours from my home. I have lived in this town my entire life and am excited to get away. This is not where I want to live out my life, but the south has a way of keeping you. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice place. I just have a bit of wanderlust that's all.
   Furthermore, no one I know will be attending this college which is also a nice thing. I get to meet a lot of new people and live in a climate where it snows. I'm hoping to study abroad in Ireland or Britain during one of my spring semesters.
   All in all it is a terrifying experience. Who knows if anything will become of my writing or my business degree? Who knows if I'll ever get my little stone house with my mud room and library? Who knows if I'll study abroad? All I know is that I have to try. If I don't try, I'll never know just how much I can accomplish.
   Times can be hard.
   Just never forget that you have the power to make it better.

   Never give up.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Against My Better Judgment

As the title suggest I have managed to make a decision against my better judgement. I have begun a piece I have been contemplating for over a year and, while it may not seem such a surprise, I have put on hold The Dark Divides series. It is something I plan to return to, but as of right now I want to see what I can make of this new project. It's a new style and a new genre, but I'm excited to see where I can take it. The first paragraph actually got a 12 readability on the Hemingway App which excites me considering the highest I have gotten so far on Emerald Forest is an 8.
I don't want to give too much away about what my new project is, but I will say that I completely adore the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. There are so many prevalent problems in our society today and I wish to capture them and show them to the world. It shall be like a horrible mirror.
I'm not quite sure if there is a lesson in this post or not. I suppose it could encourage the writer to step out of their usual comfort zones such as I have. I am attempting to write in third person while also attempting a dystopian novel, neither of which I have done before. I'm not sure whether it will work out or whether it will be as wonderful as I imagine, but that is the drug of the writer! The fantastic unknown. The risk. The hope. The DREAMS. My number one dream is to have a novel that is first on the NY Times Bestselling Authors list. My second dream is to be traditionally published.
However, I don't know if I, for certain, will achieve either of them, but it's worth a shot. Heck, I'm planning to major in creative writing. Nothing is certain about that degree. I could end up in a box under a bridge, but you know what? I'm shooting for it. If I don't make it, at least I can tell myself that I gave it my absolute best shot. Plus, writing a hit book isn't a dream with a time limit. My winning novel could be written when I'm 90. But who knows what would be, if I don't try?
There is the lesson. Risk it. If it's your dream, then go for it. You won't know if you can, if you don't try. Have faith; in yourself or other and you can go far.
I've procrastinated enough. I'm going to go write my novel.

Keep dreaming.
With Love,

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Rewriting and Rejection

After half a year now, I am finally starting to rewrite Emerald Forest for the first time. I know what you're thinking. Wow, half a year? That's a long time filled with nothing. Well, you're wrong. I and a group of my friends edited the book when we read through it. It was helpful to me, considering I had forgotten half of the plot. It has an interesting plot, just a little... catawompus.
However, I am more than antsy to move on to Amber Falls, which, I may or may not have already started on... *cough*. Either way, I have returned to polish off my work and publish it as well as polish up Obsidian Night for I know I have made plot mistakes and I also know the writing could improve drastically. I'm determined to clean up the both of them into proud pieces of art.
Furthermore, I'll be entering college in the fall. I have not discovered yet whether that will give me more or less time to write, but I am excited to become a Creative Writing Major. But what will you do with that degree? Well, wonderful audience, I have absolutely no idea. I might just end up living under a bridge writing on soggy pieces of paper with mud. All I know is that writing is something I enjoy doing and I'm not half bad at it. Plus, I believe faith can get you a long way, be it faith in yourself or a deity. I happen to have faith in both and a long term goal of being a New York Times Bestselling author. I don't know if I'll achieve that goal but, hey, it's worth a shot.
On another topic, let us talk about failure. As you all don't know, I've applied to colleges. Two actually.. not very many, just my first and second choice. My second choice (a liberal arts college) accepted me and gave me a $14,000 Deans Scholarship. That's great, right? Well, I learned yesterday that my first choice rejected me. I had already sent in a payment to the liberal arts school to secure the scholarship so I don't know why the rejection of the first school hit so hard. Maybe it was going on social media and seeing others who had been accepted or maybe it was my family's belief that I would get in that made my stomach sink. I'm not one to get accepted to a lot as was seen when I tried to get a publisher for Obsidian Night. It didn't bother me then because I always new eventually someone would say yes. So I got over the college rejection. They didn't have what I wanted anyways. I don't want an English Major. I want a Creative Writing Major and that's how the rejection has worked out for the best.
Therefore, the lesson in this post is that sometimes rejection isn't to be seen as the end. Sometimes rejection is for the better. It sends you in a different direction, mixes up the plan, and gives you a fresh way to look at things. We don't want it, but sometimes it isn't what we want. It's what is best for us.

Savor the Rejection.

With Love,