Friday, August 26, 2016

I'm a GREAT Writer

I read somewhere once that when asked what she does this girl hesitated then replied, "I'm a GREAT writer." The reason for her saying that, it said, was because maybe she didn't believe it now, but if she said it enough and worked hard enough that one day it would become true. And in a way, I believe that to be true. Everyone always tells you that words have power, so why not? It's also a wonderful way to boost your self-esteem because, admit it, most authors feel horrible about their work. And it's okay to feel that way! It's just that urge to make your work the best you can make it. That's never a bad thing, just remember nothing can ever be perfect. Know when enough is enough.
Anyways as I embark towards my Creative Writing degree, I understand that I still have a long ways to go to get there, but I also understand that this degree cannot make me into a writer. It can only broaden horizons that are already there. It's like how college still can't get me to enjoy or understand math. (I can learn math well, but only if I have a certain type of teacher). A girl here asked me what I am planning to do after college and I said, "Live in a box under a bridge." To be honest, I can be many things with this degree. I could be a play writer, screen writer, speech writer, or a novelist.
Who knows?
I can't tell the future.
All I know...
Is that I'm a GREAT writer.

Keep being GREAT.

-With Love,

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