Saturday, September 24, 2016

People Are Crazy

I don't know how to begin this or where I'm going with this, but... people are crazy. They are. I am. You are. I was asked in my college history class, "What was the foundation of America?" Some people would say Trans-Atlantic slavery and, sure, it was a large part of our economy after the Declaration of Independence. It is a valid argument. But, I would argue more that we were founded on rebellion. Revolution.
When the first settlements were made, America didn't have trans-Atlantic slavery. But, from the very beginning, it had conflict. Conflict with the Natives. Conflict with each other. Conflict with the Mother Country. America was founded on the violent voicing of opinions and taking what we think we deserve. That land over there? We want it. The French didn't do this. The Spanish did it more cruelly. But for the most part colonists were a bit greedy. But a lot of the times it was because they were promised these things and it was never delivered. So one could see the why they would want to forcefully take it if the promise of land was broken.
Furthermore, the Revolution. We were taxed less than the people actually living in Britain and we complained. And we revolted and boycotted and carried on. You could then say the Boston Massacre. Well, it was good ol' Americans picking on the law enforcement who were guarding ammunition the colonists planned to steal that day.
This is America. Freedom of Speech. But also just... YOUNG. I get embarrassed sometimes of how we act because the word is WATCHING us. We are the youngest nation, but the most influential. The world looks to us for direction when we have no idea what we are doing half the time. Otto Van Bismark of Germany once said, "There is a providence that watches over children, idiots, drunkards, and the United States of America."
We are young and, Lord help us, we are crazy. The only way we know how to voice our discontent is with a scene Broadway would be jealous of. But we're Americans. We look back on our history with embarrassment and pride just as people do. We are living through hard times socially. It's been a few years since we've had a good ol' civil war with each other. Some of us are outraged. Some of us have chosen sides. But if you're like me, you hope we come out of this better than when we went in.
Times are hard.
People are crazy.
But we'll survive.
And come out stronger.

We are one nation under God.
With Love,

P.S. This was not meant offensively. If something seems "rude", it was probably sarcasm. If some part of this is historically inaccurate, I apologize, but for the most part I do believe it to be correct.

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