Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Other Blog

Tonight, I decided to create another blog to go along with this one that specializes in poetry. I am no poet laureate, however, I figured since I've written all of these poems I might as well share them! So, if anyone cares to read newbie poetry, you can check out my other blog Poetically Unsound. Even if poetry isn't your forte, I promise my poems won't give you a migraine trying to figure out their underlying meanings. They're worth checking out. And if you like them, make sure to comment! If you don't like them, still comment! Feedback is how writers improve.

Thank you all.
Stay reading.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Down but not Out

Well, I haven't said anything in awhile and it's about high time I came back to this virtual world to tell everyone what is new and happening with my life in the most encouraging way I can.
I'm on my sophomore year of college now, about to be a junior. People keep telling me that I have all the time in the world but, as the semesters pass, my opportunities become less and less.
So this semester as well as last semester, I applied to study abroad. I applied to study in Manchester, England for a little over a month during the summer and I applied to study in Belfast, Ireland this coming fall. And let me just tell you... I made alternate for England. The girl in front of me would have to fall off a cliff before I could go. It tortured me being so close to something that people dangled the hope of, "Well, there's still a chance," over my head. Then... a few days ago, I got news from Belfast. I have been placed on the reserve list. Another alternate position with more hope dangled over my head. I keep telling my family that I would be happier if they both just said 'no'! I don't like them giving me this hope that I know won't come to fruition.
But... then I got accepted into an English honor society. My professor said it was a big deal. We get a pin and a plaque and we never have to do anything. However, I wanted it to be more than that. I like writing! Give me something to do with this! And so I explored the website I was sent in my congratulations email. I have the ability to speak at seminars, share my work, win awards... and enter for internships...
Now, I have always dreamed big and, to be honest, I dream bigger than I am. But under internships on that page is a single internship for Penguin Random House... Which I can apply to Summer, Fall, and Spring until I graduate.
I've been down and out lately. I've had a few good days of things just going wrong. I no longer have a job. I have a slight (but very slight) chance of still going to Belfast. And it just seems like I always build myself up to be let down.
But, if you think I won't be applying for this internship every semester until I graduate, you are sorely mistaken. Sure, I have a slim chance. There are over 800 chapters of this honor society and one publically broadcast internship for a very sought after company. But hey. If I never take such wild chances, I'll never have the wild chance of being successful. And I have one more shot at Belfast, if it turns out I don't make it.
Shit happens.
You get turned down more than you get accepted.
That's life.
What happens after is whether you choose to let it keep you down or if you choose to stand back up.

Keep fighting.

With Love,

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

It'll Be Okay

Honestly, the hardest thing about writing is just the self-doubt and the pressure (guilt) of it. I feel awful every day that I don't write or read because of all of those authors who stare you down with their quotes and tell you that you'll never be an author if you don't do both EACH and EVERY day. And if I don't do that then, along with the guilt, I begin to wonder if I am a writer after all. To be completely honest, I think a lot of authors are liars and do a lot more damage to people's confidence than actually boosting it. If it took J.K. Rowling 17 years to write one novel, do you believe she wrote or read EVERY SINGLE DAY? It is such an unachievable committment when you're in school or have a full time job or both! Your brain hurts by the end of the day and sometimes you just cannot commit to it.
I believe in individual people not in rules or circumstance. I believe that if someone wants to write they will... in their own time and in their own way. I believe in PEOPLE. Some writers say follow the rules- read every day and write every day, while others tell you there are no secret rules of success to writing. I'm the latter. We are individuals for a reason. If the same thing were possible and worked for all of us, then we would probably lack all originality and everyone would probably be a writer. And well... completing two books in three years isn't bad. Three? Four? We can't all be a James Patterson *eye roll*.
So if you're going to take advice from a writer, take it from me. Ignore them. There is no reason to take their words for gospel when you are attempting to be your own kind of writer with your own individual voice. I'm a creative writing major with a minor in business and public policy. Many people have asked me my major and after I told them what it was would go, "Oh." Oh? Most of them wouldn't ask anymore question and would drop the topic completely, while some pursue an argument.  Listen, in this day and age, everyone and their dead relatives has an opinion to force down your throat. It's best to look them in the eyes and say, "I want to be that person who, ten years from now, can honestly say that I have never worked a day in my life because I love my job so much."

The lesson here is- do whatever the heck makes you happy. Life can either be about making enough money to live on or being happy enough that you've actually LIVED and THRIVED instead of just sustaining yourself. Life can be so many things, you might as well go through it doing what you  love.

With Love,

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Waiting on the End to Start a New Beginning

My first year of college is almost to a close and I'm more than ready for it. Don't get me wrong, I'm sad that my first year of college flew by so fast, however, I'm ready to write what I want to again. I plan on writing all summer and, hopefully finishing something before returning for sophomore year. I miss it, you know? In college, you hardly have time to read what you want much less write what you want. And, to be honest, I'm excited for my next adventure. I want to try something new and see how it goes. Many of you would judge me because I haven't even gotten a success novel out but I want to be able to write anything I want to write and to do that I need to practice writing other things besides novels. I'll eventually return to it, of course, but I want to see if I can't finish something over the summer.

As a writer, it isn't how successful you are with getting things published but WRITING. And I want to try my hand at something else. Many people frown upon me for being a creative writing major because, let's be honest, people think if you want to write that you're going to live in a box under a bridge. I cannot even begin to recount the times people have made rude comments over my choice of major. However, it is MY major and not theirs but I will continue to explain. My explanation to myself and everyone else is I want the ability to write whatever I want to. I want to be able to write screenplays, dramas, novels, or business documents. I want the knowledge and the confidence to accomplish whatever I desire. Most people around me want to be nurses or in the medical field and ask why I'm not going into it to. There are two answers to that question: One- because it gives me anxiety to be responsible for someone and Two- because that's not where my heart is. Everything in life makes people anxious but writing is the one place I feel pretty confident in (except for this semester in English when this teacher destroyed my ego because of all the stuff I was never taught).

Anyways, the gist of this is that what other people say doesn't matter. Maybe on occasion an ear can be lent to the critics but, more often than not, it is better to ignore them and do what you feel drawn to do. Think big things. Do big things. It's okay to be nervous, but never be afraid.

With Love,

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Life Lessons

I've been in college almost a full academic year now, which isn't really a long time. However, I've had a slew of teachers in my life considering elementary school up through Freshman year of college. That being said I've never had a more frustrating teacher... except maybe in math, but never in English. Call me sensitive or lazy, whatever names seem to fit, but I cannot agree with this professor's methods.
She believes in the concept of "simple is best". I have never had a teach tell me to remove words from my sentences because they are too "wordy" or "awkward". Additionally, she believes in a restriction on the verbs that I am allowed to include in my papers such as nothing with the endings -tion, -ence, or -ment. Whenever I have attempted to impress my teachers, I have read or listened to Pride and Prejudice, gotten myself into that voice, and written my papers to sound what I would consider "proper". Long words are what dazzle right? That's what I've learned up until this semester. Always expand my vocabulary to include big words and write in a way I know how is what I have been taught my entire life. That is until today.
If I were turning in this blog post, I would have to go through and remove every "the", "that", and any other word that isn't "necessary". However harmless that may seem, it is a censor on my unique writing voice. Taking out words that aren't "vital" and changing others into a different word with the same meaning is taking my voice and warping it into my professors. I came to college to further my writing skills and I understand that my writing is not perfect. Correct my commas and apostrophes, I won't mind. Correct my grammar or tell me that there is a stronger way to phrase something, but allow me to keep my voice.
I am sounding spiteful, but hear me out. I'm not here to please her. I've gotten passed that since becoming a writer. Write what you want to write is an author's mantra as well as never change for your audience. I am supposed to write to please myself which I usually do and I'm okay for writing for school. I've been doing it most of my life, but I cannot allow myself to be okay with a teacher who represses my voice in favor of her own. It is no longer teaching me how to write, but teaching me how to project someone else's voice and ideas onto my paper.
I've been insulted almost every day this week with comments such as, "Have you learned how to write now?" I rolled my eyes at that and she caught me saying, "SKW says she didn't."
You might be asking yourself what is the lesson in this, SKW? That you can't write? That she's wrong and you know everything? No, nothing like that actually. I could be wrong. She could be wrong. Maybe we're both wrong. The lesson in this is... I wanted out of her class. I wanted to transfer. I don't understand her methods. I don't agree with them and I don't think they count as composition. However... I've decided to stay in her class, not because I can't transfer, but because maybe I'll learn something from her rubbish. Maybe I'll learn there is a deeper meaning to her madness or maybe I'll learn what I already know. What I don't want to do is be that quitter who one day gets up in front of a crowd and tells them the story of the English class that was too hard. What kind of writer would I be to shy away from a challenge? Sure, I may despise her, but the greatest victory would be a battle won with the odds not in my favor.
So that is the lesson... know your limits, but don't shy away from a challenge even when it goes against everything you know. Everything in life is a lesson even if the lesson is hard learned. One day I want to get up in front of a crowd and talk about how nuts this teacher was, but that I survived and so did my writing.  It's always fight or flight, guys, and I'm tired of running (plus... I hate running. It's a gross pastime).

Keep your ground my lovelies.

With Love,

Saturday, September 24, 2016

People Are Crazy

I don't know how to begin this or where I'm going with this, but... people are crazy. They are. I am. You are. I was asked in my college history class, "What was the foundation of America?" Some people would say Trans-Atlantic slavery and, sure, it was a large part of our economy after the Declaration of Independence. It is a valid argument. But, I would argue more that we were founded on rebellion. Revolution.
When the first settlements were made, America didn't have trans-Atlantic slavery. But, from the very beginning, it had conflict. Conflict with the Natives. Conflict with each other. Conflict with the Mother Country. America was founded on the violent voicing of opinions and taking what we think we deserve. That land over there? We want it. The French didn't do this. The Spanish did it more cruelly. But for the most part colonists were a bit greedy. But a lot of the times it was because they were promised these things and it was never delivered. So one could see the why they would want to forcefully take it if the promise of land was broken.
Furthermore, the Revolution. We were taxed less than the people actually living in Britain and we complained. And we revolted and boycotted and carried on. You could then say the Boston Massacre. Well, it was good ol' Americans picking on the law enforcement who were guarding ammunition the colonists planned to steal that day.
This is America. Freedom of Speech. But also just... YOUNG. I get embarrassed sometimes of how we act because the word is WATCHING us. We are the youngest nation, but the most influential. The world looks to us for direction when we have no idea what we are doing half the time. Otto Van Bismark of Germany once said, "There is a providence that watches over children, idiots, drunkards, and the United States of America."
We are young and, Lord help us, we are crazy. The only way we know how to voice our discontent is with a scene Broadway would be jealous of. But we're Americans. We look back on our history with embarrassment and pride just as people do. We are living through hard times socially. It's been a few years since we've had a good ol' civil war with each other. Some of us are outraged. Some of us have chosen sides. But if you're like me, you hope we come out of this better than when we went in.
Times are hard.
People are crazy.
But we'll survive.
And come out stronger.

We are one nation under God.
With Love,

P.S. This was not meant offensively. If something seems "rude", it was probably sarcasm. If some part of this is historically inaccurate, I apologize, but for the most part I do believe it to be correct.

Friday, August 26, 2016

I'm a GREAT Writer

I read somewhere once that when asked what she does this girl hesitated then replied, "I'm a GREAT writer." The reason for her saying that, it said, was because maybe she didn't believe it now, but if she said it enough and worked hard enough that one day it would become true. And in a way, I believe that to be true. Everyone always tells you that words have power, so why not? It's also a wonderful way to boost your self-esteem because, admit it, most authors feel horrible about their work. And it's okay to feel that way! It's just that urge to make your work the best you can make it. That's never a bad thing, just remember nothing can ever be perfect. Know when enough is enough.
Anyways as I embark towards my Creative Writing degree, I understand that I still have a long ways to go to get there, but I also understand that this degree cannot make me into a writer. It can only broaden horizons that are already there. It's like how college still can't get me to enjoy or understand math. (I can learn math well, but only if I have a certain type of teacher). A girl here asked me what I am planning to do after college and I said, "Live in a box under a bridge." To be honest, I can be many things with this degree. I could be a play writer, screen writer, speech writer, or a novelist.
Who knows?
I can't tell the future.
All I know...
Is that I'm a GREAT writer.

Keep being GREAT.

-With Love,