Saturday, December 28, 2013

To Save a Soul

Find a heart
Save a soul
Touch a life
Teach a mind

Stop the knife
Kill the pain 
Learn to smile
Through the rain 

The days are short
But life is long
The bad times leave
And life goes on

I know it can be hard
To be a diamond in the rough
But it just goes to show you
The challenged are the tough.
-With Love, SKW

Friday, December 27, 2013


Has anyone ever had that moment of thought when you can't imagine life ahead of right now? You can't think of a last name that would match with your first name. You can't imagine ever marrying someone or having kids. You can't even imagine what you'll look like or be except for what you are right now.
 It gets a little scary trying but unable to see any farther that the moment you are in. Thinking you don't have a future because you can't imagine it. I can't see anything. I don't know what I want to do for a job. All I know is that I can write and that is what I will do no matter where I stand later on in life. Maybe you don't always need to know the future. Maybe it is the surprises of the journey that make life so wonderful and mysterious. No one wants to know everything that will happen to them so why question it?
 Live while you are alive. Accept what is given to you and make something great out of something bad. Time is limited for people to know what it feels like to live. If there were no end, we would be alive but dead inside. Cherish the time you are given for once you run out there is no refill.
-With Love, SKW

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Most of the time the most meaningful things said are the fewest words spoken-
*I love you
*I miss you
*I am sorry
*I forgive you
 The long rants that people usually use to hurt each other is only wasted breath for what we really hear are the words that carry the most meaning-
 No one hears the rant, they hear single words or short phrases. They hear only the things that hold power.
 The less said the more power lies in each word. Be careful what you say to people. Words hurt worse than a punch for a bruise can fade but words have a way of scarring the brain and, slowly, drilling holes in our character. Words plant seeds. Be sure you plant what you want grown. What you plant, you will someday reap.
-With Love, SKW

Christmas and Things

I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday! Mine has been wonderful and it makes me dread going back to school. Is it bad that the presents that most excited me were books and a brand new lap top? The lap top is understandable. I also had to build the book shelf FOR the books =) I did it with a single screw driver when I needed a hammer! Women power!
 My book is coming along great. I think I am a few pages away from 200 and only a couple chapters away from being finished. This book has lasted me over a year when the other one was done by now. But I guess the more time you spend on something the better is becomes and the more triumph you feel when you get it published. I've been rejected by almost ten literary agents and I am happy. To all of you aspiring to be someone just remember-
 Being rejected is the first step towards being accepted.
 Be motivated by people who turn you down or say that you can't because when you actually do make it, that makes the victory SO much sweeter.
-With Love, SKW

Saturday, December 21, 2013

I embarrass myself

I hope ya'll are having a wonderful Christmas! Mine has just started with a Christmas gift swap today. My family gets together and drinks wine and talks about odd topics and then we open up presents. It's more fun if you actually meet my odd ball family. Four great uncles and more than I can count great aunts plus they are all HUGE southerners. Meaning cow on the grill (steak) as big as your plate and other foods that each person makes special. You really end up missing that one person who makes your favorite food when they don't show up one year.
 Any ways so today I was given my car. Now mind you I am a blond. Things like this usually happen to me but I dwell on them longer than normal people probably would. I got into my new Jeep Liberty to leave after my grandfather was working on the sun roof and put it into reverse. The key was in and the lights were on.... but unbeknownst to me, the car wasn't all the way on. I pressed reverse and went nowhere. My grandfather who bought me the car, tapped on the window after my mom had told me. My whole family was watching me try to back up a car that wasn't even on. (/_\)  Can anyone just conclude that I am the definition of "blond"? That was also my first time driving THAT car and one bigger than a Ford Focus. Not to mention my other embarassing thing with someone famous but I will save that for another time =D
-With Love, SKW

Friday, December 20, 2013

Odd things that happen

So if you are like me you have odd things happen to you. You can trip UP carpeted stairs and cut yourself on a McDonalds French frie box. You can be bit by a lizard and freak out because he won't let go. You can be bit by a camel for trying to feed her baby. And whenever you eat you can get all your freakin food like EVERYWHERE. It'll end up like on top of my head and leave me like, "What the juice?! I wasn't even close to that area!"
 Yes odd things happen to me and then leave me embarrassed because everyone was watching you and saw it happen. Then they point. And some try to laugh secretly but you can see through their hand that is raised to cover their mouths. 
 Anyways yes. I am a clutz. Yes I get into odd situations. I once had a middle aged woman at Starbucks pretty much tell me I was stupid. And, even though I am quite nice, people talk to me like I'm stupid or rude for no reason, like who peed in their cereal?! 
 I went driving yesterday with my instructor... There is a brake pedal on his side you see... And he presses it... On every red light -_- I would be slowing down and his foot would already be pressing it. So I took my foot off the brake and pretty much just asked myself why I even need a brake if he's going to use it before me. 
Whelp have a lovely day beautifuls. 
-With Love, SKW

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Yes. Authors are evil.

Hello BloggerNet!

SO... first blog WAHOO. I would like to introduce myself so as to let you all know about me. Well... I am a hopeless coffee addict. If  I don't have it in the morning I will drink it in the afternoon. Starbucks employees think I am stupid =) I am a HUGE book nerdigan though I choose the books that are not fawned over. Books that become big like Twilight and The Hunger Games are probably really good books! But hearing about them 24/7 at school and on the internet makes me not want to read them. I am an aspiring author.. getting there... slowly. I have a HUMONGOUS procrastination problem. Been working on  my book for over a year now ;) vampire fans anyone? TOO BAD! THEY HUNT VAMPIRES! Hahaha. Um... I have a lot of habits and quirks some, even, that people say can't be counted as a habit... it is... it is possible! If ya'll love music well I pretty much listen to whatever sounds good to me which can come from any drama. This blog will most likely be used for writing and my weirdness to be set free. So feel free to join in on whatever I talk about =) I'm very nice and tolerant of people. Meaning I don't pick fights I just finish them =)
- With Love, SKW