Friday, December 20, 2013

Odd things that happen

So if you are like me you have odd things happen to you. You can trip UP carpeted stairs and cut yourself on a McDonalds French frie box. You can be bit by a lizard and freak out because he won't let go. You can be bit by a camel for trying to feed her baby. And whenever you eat you can get all your freakin food like EVERYWHERE. It'll end up like on top of my head and leave me like, "What the juice?! I wasn't even close to that area!"
 Yes odd things happen to me and then leave me embarrassed because everyone was watching you and saw it happen. Then they point. And some try to laugh secretly but you can see through their hand that is raised to cover their mouths. 
 Anyways yes. I am a clutz. Yes I get into odd situations. I once had a middle aged woman at Starbucks pretty much tell me I was stupid. And, even though I am quite nice, people talk to me like I'm stupid or rude for no reason, like who peed in their cereal?! 
 I went driving yesterday with my instructor... There is a brake pedal on his side you see... And he presses it... On every red light -_- I would be slowing down and his foot would already be pressing it. So I took my foot off the brake and pretty much just asked myself why I even need a brake if he's going to use it before me. 
Whelp have a lovely day beautifuls. 
-With Love, SKW

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