Sunday, September 28, 2014

Counting Days is easier than Counting Stars

The days here can seem either really long or really short depending on the time of year and what there is to do. Personally, I love Fall and Winter, because then I'm not dying of heat stroke and there is a lot going on. There is the carnival coming to town, the haunted houses opening up, Thanksgiving, Christmas (Hanukah, Kwanza), maybe even a little snow to get us out of school. But those things are not what I am counting down to. I am counting down to my book signing that is in three days.
I always ask people who've read my book what they think of it and everyone loves it (so they say aloud). My papa wanted to assure me that I knew that not everyone is going to like it and sooner or later I'm going to get a bad review. I know. I wait for that moment! I want someone to say it's crap so I can finally breathe out. I expect someone to say it's crap all because I think of it that way. I cannot even read that book anymore because no matter how good I think it sounds when I'm writing it, it makes me frustrated when I read it. But if they truly think that, they won't voice it out loud for me or anyone else to hear.
So, anyways, the book signing. I have put up posters everywhere and only have 22 books left to sell (family first \(0-0)/  ) but I still don't think that many people will show up. But if they do then that saves me from sitting there for FOUR HOURS. Hahaha. I know I complain. Honestly, its not going to bother me sitting there for that long. I just like to get out of the house. I just have to remember- You have to start somewhere to get to where you want to be.

-Remember who you are, loves
Love, SKW

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Cooler than the Snow

Again the weirdest things continue to happen to me. I feel like the character in Dear Dumb Diary. This boy in my math class came up to me today and said, "Hey, did you write a book?"
I had to look around the room for a minute, because that boy does not look like he cares much for the written word. "Uh... yeah. I did."
He continued to say, "That is so cool!" before one of the pretty popular girls said, "Haha (my name here) everyone is catching on now."
0-0 What is happening? Writing books is cool? I used to be afraid to tell people I like to write because usually they would give me that *I have no idea why you'd do that but I'll continue to nod and smile* face. It was something I didn't want to talk about and now everyone thinks it is the coolest thing. I still get self conscious because of the genre and the way I published it. Every time I say "vampire" I get afraid that people assume that it takes after Twilight or The Vampire Diaries (not that there is anything wrong with them). Another fear I have is that I cheated with Self Publishing and if people learned that it wasn't traditional that they would judge me. I picked a popular genre and I am paying the price... but I wrote what I wanted to read.
Even the teachers have gotten weird about it. My math teacher handed me back a paper with a 105 as a grade and commented, "She writes books and aces math tests." Did... did I just do something amazing? I feel like the same person. I look like the same person. So how come people are starting to actually like me now?

Monday, September 22, 2014

Instant Celebrity... of Wonderland?

So here I am, the queen of the unknown, the girl whose name most cannot say or remember, the princess of going from silence to abrasive with a few wrong words. I know who I am to other people and to myself. To those other than me I can be a bitch (I know it. I can admit it.) or I can be the timid shy girl or the geek who loves fiction books and action movies and songs that touch the feels. To me... I'm a failure, I can't be consistent. I rot my teeth with coffee and cover the walls of my room in posters and bandana' because I want something more original than just painting it a color that gets old in less than a year. I see myself as a burden and a girl destined to go no where fast. But things are changing in odd ways...
Ever since I can remember no one has really cared much mind to me, because I wasn't full of drama and I really never did anything that was worth mentioning. Yet... May 23rd changed my social life (not much my pocket life). Those teachers and peers that couldn't even pronounce my name right now know who I am and have begun to take interest. They've all heard slowly that I have written a published book and actually want to read or buy it because they know me! Those girls that at one point didn't like me too much or were too pretty and popular to search the room for me now love that I wrote a book and have so many questions to ask me. Like what? What the heck happened? I'm not a "known" person. HECK! I'm not even a very good people person! It is just so weird to think that in four months I've gained something of a title for myself. "Author". Can I keep it though? Or will I continue to be the failure I think I am and ruin it all? I guess it's up to the Big Guy, but I must say... I don't think I could stop writing.

Monday, July 21, 2014

On to new things

I am 49 pages into the second book which I have named Emerald Forest. The writing has improved since Obsidian Night and I hope it continues to do so. I know this trilogy is just a learning point for me but I do hope that it goes somewhere one day or paves the path for another series. I thank all of you who support me.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My Book has Left the Nest

It's happened guys. My book is finally out. It's on Amazon. Barnes and Noble. Xlibris. I'm scared and excited at the same time. But I know this trilogy is for learning and getting my name out. My writing is still improving. So it isn't perfect yet but that's what living is about, taking risks and improving until you're where you want to be. If you want to buy it the books name is Obsidian Night by A. M. Luther. NOT Obsidian NightS. Singular not plural. 
 It's about vampire hunters. Not sparkly vampires. Not sexy (well not all) vampires. It's about barbaric vampires and hunters used to contain them... I'm not really good at explaining it. But if you want to give it a try please do. I respond well to feed back. 
Thank you. 
Stay Young and "Dumb"

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Made it er.. sort of

 So yes I did self publish and a expecting my authors copy soon. I'm excited, dreadful, and relieved all at the same time. After months of reading Obsidian Night over and over again it just got exhausting. And I know the published book will not be perfect even after editing it a million times, I am just happy to get it out some where and to not have to worry about it. I know people are going to comment on the mistakes, but I dare them to write a flawless book their first try.
 I am young and dumb but I try. And you know what? Since the first book out of the trilogy my writing has gotten a lot better and I have come up with more ideas. What I absolutely hate is people judging young writers so hard! We don't want to wait until we are in our middle ages to publish our novels! We want to write! We want to tell our stories! And yes I know our grammar or spelling is not flawless, but that is part of life. We are meant to write, read, and learn.
 That is part of the reason a publisher wouldn't pick me up. My age. My inexperience. My genre. Honestly, now and days they don't even read your story and judge you on your book. They judge you before that, on the query. It's sad really. One day a person will self publish and become a huge success and all those publishers will hate themselves. Yes, I know its my "adolescence" speaking but still. The least they could do is not send a computer generated rejection letter and actually give you some advice. 
 We are young dreamers aiming higher than society allows. We are young rebels screaming in defiance at the set standards. We are young. Not dumb. Not less talented. Not less wise. Just lacking a meaningless number next to our names.

-Stay Young Dreamers

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Cheating ways.

So the days pass too fast. I can't get enough work done. But after being rejected a million times by publishers I've decided to self publish. It's kind of like cheating to me. Like I didn't deserve to be published so I took the short route. Anyways my book will be on over 200 websites so at least that's a start. It's not the money. Never the money. It just... It would be nice to have someone say, "This is my favorite author."
 I'm a HUGE procrastinator though. Haha I'll get everything together, sit down, and do nothing. I just need something new. I've read the book a million times. I want to move on to the second one but I know I have to get done with this one. 
 Stay Strong Warriors,
- With Love,

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Jack Frost

Whelp, guys, there is an ice storm here leaving little to do. I am glad that I have power unlike some of the people around this part. I must say, the weather this year is quite unusual. If it were up to me, I'd say global warming is over.
 The proof of my book came in yesterday! Wahoo! It's so beautiful!

Sadly, I still have no agent or publisher so these books are just for my friends and school library. The writing though (/-\) kill me now. It's so long and painful and time consuming. But hopefully it'll be worth it in the end. 
 Have you ever been so excited about something and the only person around to tell about it is just like, "I really don't care." ? That was me yesterday yelling to my brother. I was all "OH MY GOSH! LOOK! ITS BEAUTIFUL!" 
He could care less. I need a freak out buddy who is around 24/7. 
Well, I hope you guys are doing good. No school for me! Haha. 
Stay safe today/night 
-With Love, SKW

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Do you want to build a snowman?

Oh my gosh guys! It snowed here! For those of you who don't know I live some place where we get snow like once every four years so yeah. It's a very big deal. I wanted to build a snowman but the snow was too powdery so it turned out terrible. It had a big butt and a tiny head.   ()
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That's pretty much what it looked like, that plus mud and gravel. I have discovered that I have high anxiety and I have figured out my phobia. It's stupid and a pain in my butt. I wish I had a normal fear. Spiders. Snakes. Guns. Anything I have a chance to get over. But no. I have the most difficult one to deal with. There is absolutely no way to face it either. It just builds on to itself. Does anyone else have one of those fears? One that you can't really face? I mean arachnophobics will eventually squish a spider. People who fear weapons can hold one and eventually dull the fear. I can't do that and it bugs me. For my fear gives me anxiety which in turn takes my gut and twists it into a knot and gets me so fidgety. It's just a burden I have to tame.
 Anyways! I've been out of school for three days because of the sudden snow storm! I'll go back Friday but by then there isn't even a point. Well, today is a perfect day to watch Frozen and sing DO YOU WANT TO BUILD A SNOWMAN?! But considering I've seen that movie four times I am going to watch the Hunger Games. I've never watched it or read the book because I didn't think I would like it so I'm going to give its movie a chance to change my mind.
 Stay beautiful lovies.
- With Love, SKW

Monday, January 20, 2014

Finding Hope

Well, I am almost done with the first book in my trilogy. Bad news is I'm not publishing it for a long long time. There are too many vampire books on the market right now and even though mine is about hunters it doesn't matter. I have ben turned down by literary agents BECAUSE of the genre.  So I'll put it aside for sometime in the future when the hype has gone down and I can polish it up correctly.
 The first book I wrote and finished was in 8th and it was over 200 pages too. But I wasn't happy with how it ended up and put it to the side as well. Lucky for me though, I have other ideas for books until then.
 It does suck. I have spent over a year and a half on this vampire hunting book only to be shot down because vampires are too popular right now. But things happen for a reason. Maybe when I do get it published it'll be big. I just have to believe there is something more than giving up which isn't what I'm doing. I am waiting patiently. Patience is rewarded with time. Eventually. It's just hard holding on to that faith.
 Over a year -_- oh well. I'll finish the trilogy and hope by the time I am done the craze will have moved on and I can publish successfully. Cheers to the future.
-With Love, SKW

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Remember the Jinxes

Remember where you came from for one day you may need to go back. Remember who your allies are for you will need them one day. Don't forget that family is just blood. Your real family is made of the people you love.
 There are so many things we want to forget and so many others we wish we remembered better. But then I think, all of our life's experiences make us into who we are and are going to be. I have had a handful of embarrassing moments and they always reappear in  my minds eye to make me feel stupid all over again. Each mistake is a way of learning. I mean, I have been scared of driving since I got my learners permit. Four days after getting my Drivers license I rear ended an undercover cop... now I am even more scare of driving but it helped me. I learned my limits and another "what not to do". But seriously! Out of all the people A COP! Don't worry. There wasn't even a scratch on his car. The worst damage was a chip to my light. Lesson learned though, Jinxes exist. Earlier that day a girl said, "How long have you been driving? Oh yeah, you're going to get into an accident soon." Hours later... I did. If this was the 1700s I would announce her as a witch who cursed me. Of course I am the one of few people who believe in luck and fate. Sometimes one more than the other. It depends on the situation.
 Well as you can see my blog is ADD. If I were talking I could stay on topic but since I am writing I cannot. I hope you guys have better experiences than me and that you stay safe. Ask  me questions. Comment. Follow. Like. I promise I don't bite. I'm just another teenager trying survive.
 By the way- It's not a bad thing to drive like a grandma. Teenagers around my town go too fast and crazy that's how so many die. I'm a grandma driver and anger a lot of the teens at my school for going the speed limit. =)
_ With Love, SKW

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Bad and Worse

 Have you ever had people complain to you non-stop about how bad their life is? I am sorry to say but it gets annoying some times. I mean EVERYONE has been through something and no, we cannot understand everything but that is no reason to say "My life sucks." "I want to die." "You have no idea what my life is like."
 No. We don't understand. We cannot begin to comprehend what you have been through but that is no reason for those thoughts! Everyone has SOMETHING to be thankful for. Everyone has SOMETHING to lose. Even if your life is bad it can always get worse. So stop complaining! It is time to realize what you DO have and be thankful for it.
 I have had a rough past but I do know what I have to lose. I could lose my family. My family is my friends and the people I live with. I could lose my house. I could lose my future. I KNOW what I have to live for and what to be thankful for but do you?
 Food for thought. Just remember the next time you walk up to a friend to complain about how much your life sucks. There is so much more than the past. There is the future.

- With Love, SKW

Anything and Everything

I have finally made it to over 200 pages in my book.  I am hoping to finish it soon though I realize now more than a year ago how hard writing a book can actually be. I already finished one novel that is over 200 pages but I didn't like how it ended up and now when I really want to publish this one the writing seems to be harder. Maybe it's because I realize I want to actually be someone and put my work out there for people to enjoy. It's said to get easier as you go but it hasn't. It has done the opposite. I guess I care more about it. I want it to be the definition of perfection though I know that is impossible.
 So my novel is the beginning of a trilogy. I have a long way to go but, honestly, I am loving every second of it. Dreaming of people reading it and fangirling over it =D it keeps me happy. The writing is the journey to my destination. Even when I have been rejected by literary agents a bunch of times I still keep faith.
 I hope everyone had a fantastic New Years! I pray for everyone to have a blessed 2014. I know I look forward to the things it will bring. Things can always get better but they can always get worse to so be sure to do good things! Karmas a bitch. ;) 

- With Love, SKW